- Varicose veins is one of the skin problems that can affect anyone. Indeed , varicose veins are not sick. But , arguably varicose veins are very disturbing and can make confidence diminished. Not infrequently varicose veins will also make a person feel less beautiful and impressive.
Talking about varicose veins , quoted from page , at least there are five facts about varicose veins you need to know and you should not underestimate granted. What are the facts? Here's his review.
Biggest Risk Is Genetic Factors Varicose Jeffrey G. Carr , MD , a medical director of the Vein Center of East Texas said that when almost 805 people suffering from varicose veins have parents or relatives who also suffer from varicose veins. However , other factors of varicose veins can be caused by obesity , aging or pregnancy.
Varicose veins are not only appears in the Foot Generally , varicose veins appear on the legs or on the thigh. But just so you know , apparently not only varicose veins can appear at any leg or thigh. Jennifer Watson , MD of Spectrum Health Medical Group Vein Center said if varicose veins can also appear on the neck , chest or face. Varicose veins that occur because of damage to the blood vessels can occur anywhere on the body.
Lifestyle recent Enlarge Varicose Risk Experts believe that a bad lifestyle increases the risk of varicose veins in a person. Obesity , eating unhealthy food , rarely exercise , prolonged sitting or standing for too long could risk causing varicose veins. So that varicose veins do not occur , it is suggested that we have a healthy lifestyle , exercise enough , drink enough water , adequate rest and have enough physical motion anyway.
Varicose Can Appear For Against Allergy Cosmetics and presence of Certain Health Problems Jeffrey G , Carr , MD , revealed that varicose veins can occur due to allergies to cosmetics or because the body has certain health problems. Scratching the skin with a rough time of conception or during menstruation , it could also believed to cause the appearance of varicose veins.
If Already Have One Varicose veins , varicose veins Possible Next Big Will Appear If you have a body part that have varicose veins , experts believe that this could lead to the emergence of new varicose veins in other body parts. Jennifer Watson said , if the veins or broken veins in one place , it allows the same damage on other body parts. If someone has had a varicose veins , he had varicose next big risk that certainly more than one.
Those are some facts about varicose veins. But do not worry about varicose veins. Because of what? Because , varicose veins can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle , adequate rest and drink enough water. Do not forget to exercise enough. Regarding the treatment of varicose veins , surgical removal is the treatment of varicose veins that until now the most common. How ya , already know about the facts of varicose veins is not it? Hopefully this information is helpful.