- Food seasoning salt is most easily found and had been there since the beginning of time. However , eating too much salt in excess it can be the cause of 2.3 million deaths from heart attacks , strokes and other diseases related to the heart. Excess intake of salt in the body turned out to be the cause of death as a heart attack by 15%.
The researchers found a wide range of the latest facts how the intake of sodium that affects the risk of heart disease , to test the meta-analysis of hundreds of people at random. They are looking for the impact of sodium on blood pressure effect on heart disease associated with blood vessels such as stroke.
In addition the study found that deaths due to excess sodium is 60 percent override male patients and 40 percent of women. More than 80 percent of these deaths occur in countries with low or middle incomes rather than high-income countries.
Therefore some countries should undertake some steps to enact a national health program reduction in salt consumption. Such a program is expected to save millions of lives. The American Heart Association recommends the consumption of salt is limited ie no more than 1 ,500 mg / day.
Well , let's reduce consumption of salt as much as possible for a healthier life.